Hét platform voor agile-lean coaching
Waar ben je naar op zoek?
We are wrigting the last sentences of a new E-book for our English audience: The 10 principles of AGILE-LEAN TEAM COACHING.
- Upcomming! -
What healthy organisations of the 21st century look like is becoming increasingly evident. They are organisations that combine achieving good results and high customer appreciation with great adaptability and a stimulating working environment.
The authors of this book are convinced that the crucial building blocks of healthy organisations are healthy teams. Teams that are able to give meaning to their role and who are positive dialogue partners for other teams (including the management or leadership team). This book is aimed at people who accompany teams in their growth to such a mature role. Team leaders, facilitators, trainers, team coaches, change managers, quality managers, process improvers, advisors, or scrum masters all need to find a different interpretation of their current role. Interested? Stay tuned on the agileleancoaching.nl platform!
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